
How do I register for the conference? 

The link to the registration application for the 2017 Nordic.AI Festival can be found here.

What is the ticket cost? 

Tickets cost €450. 

Where can I find a schedule of events? 

We will be announcing our scheduled speakers on an ongoing basis leading up the conference.  To learn more about speakers, follow us on Facebook or Twitter

Who can attend the conference? 

The Nordic.AI Festival is an invite-only conference, but there are a limited number of tickets available for interested participants.  If you wish to apply for a ticket, please fill out our application form here.  

Why is there an application process and what are the ticket application criteria?

We have a limited number of seats available and want to deliver the best experience to all attendees. If you are an investment professional, researcher, executive, or entrepreneur with a demonstrable track-record in AI or ML, and are interested to learn more about the Nordic.AI Festival,we encourage you to apply.

What is the fee for registration?

From February 20th-28th, there is the possibility to apply for and purchase a full-price ticket for €450.

Delegates who wish to join the pre-event AI workshop hosted by NVIDIA will be charged an additional fee for the workshop.

What is included in the cost of registration?

Registered delegates have full access to our all-day conference on March 7th at Vega, Copenhagen, including lunch, refreshments, coffee, and an afternoon snack.  Full registrants are welcome at all Nordic.AI affiliated receptions, but there are some private and corporate receptions scheduled during the conference as well which are by invitation only. 

Are tickets transferable?

The event is invitation only and generally tickets are not transferable. However, please contact us at hello@nordic.ai with your request and we will review it.

In case of cancellation, do I get  refund?

Please contact us at hello@nordic.ai in case you would like to request a refund.

I am a journalist, can I apply for a press pass? 

We welcome journalists to join our event.  Please send your credentials to hello@nordic.ai and we will review your request. Journalists will have access to a press room and be provided with press materials and assistance arranging interviews. 

What are the registration deadlines? 

The deadline to apply to register for a ticket is March 4th. 

Where can I find travel and transportation information? 

Transportation and travel information to the venue can be found at Vega’s website